Satellite Service Development

Satellite Service Development

Mobileware have many years experience in dealing with all technical parts of most of the major satellite networks across Inmarsat, Iridium, Globalstar, Thuraya, Viasat, KVH and have deep knowledge in interacting directly with satellite terminal hardware.

Development of GX Services

We have developed the current Inmarsat GX Aero gateway for Honeywell that will allow Satcom Direct, GoGo, Arinc, Sita, Satcom1 and similar to directly integrate their systems with Inmarsat GX SEP gateway for highly optimized provisioning across GX systems.

UnitGate Remote Terminal Manager

UnitGate are developed together with Cobham to allow advanced and centralized satellite terminal management across Inmarsat I4 and GX terminals. UnitGate offer terminal bootstrap based on predefined profiles a process that ensure standardized settings and allow super fast deployment – and direct remote management across any terminal type in a simple and yet advanced way.

Market need integrators

The current satellite market need more and more integrators that can deliver a solution and not just a terminal, big Satellite based Push-to-Talk systems need integration, large M2M installations need dedicated system integration and management GUI’s. We mean that we are the perfect partner for this type of solutions.

Project specific development

Automated election connectivity across satellite – we have for several times been running the Phillipinne election setup for SingTel with our system managing the connectivity for 8400 island – allowing advanced connectivity across the contry based on satellite as primary and secondary connectivity.

M2M Management server

UnitGate can be enabled to handle M2M connectivity – allowing terminal bootstap configuration – SMS and IP connectivity directly to the remote places M2M units. UnitGate manage data capture linked to terminal assurance for optimized signal and keepalive handling.

UnitGate act as a transparent M2M gateway that support the current OpenSource M2M API interface and act as a relay gateway to M2M units installed under a given M2M satellite device. At the same time do UnitGate keep track of all used bandwidth to and from the different units.

Mobilware did back in time provide one of the first really big M2M solutions on GSM where we did deliver Dial-a-Coke together with Coca Cola and Nokia – Request more reference on this to how we did build a dedicated units for the coke machines – Did M2M integration to all Statoil Gas stations…